Jaws Jungle Walls

Mother nature is the ultimate artist, the muse, and the inspiration to all of our most prized works of art on earth. And, flora just may well be her favorite medium.

When creating Jungle Walls, the goal was to create something that would elevate and honor the natural beauty that we all love so much.

Our patents pending Jungle Walls combine both form and function to create a beautiful and aesthetic automated growing system for your prized plants. We've create the canvas to allow you to now be the artist, and we can't wait to see what you will create.

Jungle Walls allow for a wide range of plant genera to be grown in almost any ambient conditions by allowing the user incredibly precise customization of watering duration and interval, air flow, and nutrient delivery to create the optimal growing conditions for your prized plants.

Jungle Walls are made using only inorganic materials that will last hundreds of years. Because all of the components are inert they will not rot or become sour overtime, and unlike organic growing mediums they will never need to be refreshed.